Description of Butterflies
There are many species of butterflies that fly around Zante in the summer months - adding their colours to the wonderful landscape.
The most common are Clouded Yellow (colias crocea) also sometimes known as Ionian butterflies, they have yellow wings and blue and red spots as well as decorative tails. Also visible on Zante are the Freyer Grayling (Neohipparchia fatua) butterflies, which are brown in colour and have eye spots on their wings.
One of the most beautiful butterflies if you are lucky enough to see it is the Spotted Fritillary (Melitae didyma) which is a beautifully patterned butterfly with orange bands on their wings. Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) butterflies are very distinctive being black and white striped with blue and yellow spots on their tails.