Animals & Wildlife

Description of Animals & Wildlife

The most famous wildlife associated with Zante are the Caretta Caretta turtles and the monk seals, however there are a whole range of animals that dwell on this delightful island. From domestic cats and dogs, to animals for agricultural use such as chickens, sheep, goats, cows, pigs, donkeys and horses, as well as birds, butterflies and including wild animals - Zakynthos is a paradise for flora and fauna.

Home grown and organic food is still of great importance to the Zakynthians. They like to know where their food comes from and that it is grown without the use of pesticides and other chemicals. Therefore many choose to raise their own animals for food or for the products gained such as the eggs from chickens and the milk from cows and goats, from which they also make wonderful cheeses. Several people also keep bees on the island and delicious honey is widely available in the shops and restaurants.

In terms of wild animals - there are none on the island that are dangerous to people. In the mountains there are some small snakes either green or brown in colour but they are harmless and it is unlikely you will see them. The numbers of snakes are dwindling on Zante, as tourism grows and more houses are developed. If you do venture to the mountains, or happen to sit under a tree, animals you are likely to hear even if you can't see them are cicadas. They live on trees and have a very distinctive sound. Small lizards can sometimes be spotted as they like climbing walls or hiding in rocks for shade, they are useful to have around as they eat mosquitoes. Herrmann's tortoises, also known as Greek tortoises, dwell in the woods and forests on the island - however their numbers too are dwindling due to several forest fires, tourism and land development.

Anyone with an appreciation of animals & wildlife will feel at home on Zante and will find lots to interest them.
